Gaming’s Immersive Future: Insights from gamescom ‘23

2 min readOct 2, 2023


In the latest episode of the Digital Marketing Digest Podcast, our digital analyst Vova hosted the discussion. Joining him were Tanya, Business Development Team Lead at Zorka.Agency, and special guest Kenneth, an Influencer, Marketing Expert, and Founder of Düssel York City Studios. Together, they delved into gamescom, exploring the dynamics of the gaming industry and the evolving role of influencers.

Gaming Trends

In a comprehensive exploration of gaming trends, speakers delved into the industry’s transformative landscape. Tanya spearheaded the conversation, drawing attention to the increasing overlap between gaming and other diverse sectors. With the boundaries becoming more ambiguous, it’s evident that gaming has evolved beyond just being a leisure activity; it’s now a way of life. Kenn reinforced this idea, emphasizing that modern gaming is not merely about playing. It encompasses experiences, connections, and a blend with other media forms. Vova further emphasized this by discussing the merge of entertainment, tech, and daily life in the gaming sphere.

Additionally, the gaming arena is witnessing participation from unconventional brands. With major players like Netflix and even industries such as insurance venturing into this space, it underscores the expansive allure and potential of the gaming world.

Influencer Marketing Trends

It’s evident that the role of influencers is becoming more intricate and deeply embedded in the marketing matrix. Gamescom was a testament to the growing importance of these digital personalities. It’s not just about tapping into their audience for a brief moment but fostering a lasting relationship that offers value to both parties. It’s about creating a genuine bond between the brand, the influencer, and their audience. The authenticity and real connection are what makes the marketing strategy effective.

When companies shift from transactional relationships to more meaningful partnerships with influencers, they unlock a deeper level of engagement. And as you rightly pointed out, it’s not always about chasing the big numbers. Sometimes, the nano-influencers, with their close-knit communities, can have a bigger impact in driving genuine interest and engagement.

Gamescom has proven that the integration of influencers is not a mere afterthought. Their prominence in the gaming community is hard to ignore, and brands are increasingly realizing the power of these relationships. The challenge for brands now is to move beyond the surface-level engagements and dive deep into nurturing these relationships for long-term success.

For a deeper insight into the topics we’ve covered, check out our latest episode on the Digital Marketing Digest Podcast 🤩

